Surfing experience

a partire da 30 / persona

If you're dreaming of riding the waves, the Ligurian Sea is the right place to learn how to surf, with some of the best spots in Italy


Although the Ligurian Sea doesn't have waves with the power and consistency of oceanic ones, there are plenty of opportunities for fun and learning to surf. Among our activities, we also offer you the opportunity to experience the thrill of learning one of the most fascinating and complete outdoor sports.

In the western part of Liguria, among the best spots for surfing are definitely Finale Ligure and Andora, where depending on weather and sea conditions, you can decide how and when to schedule private lessons and courses for beginners and beyond.


  • Surfing
  • Finale Ligure, Andora, Spot, Surf, Corsi Surf, Mar ligure, Onde, Shortboard, Longboard
  • a partire da 30 / persona
  • Durata:1 ora 30 minuti
  • Periodo dell'anno:Tutto l'anno
  • Età minima:6 anni
